
Menopausal Pelvic Health

Very few women seek advice for menopausal symptoms. Yet, it can be transformative to talk about it and get the appropriate support.

Our therapist offers an individualised pelvic floor programme and personal guidance on exercises and lifestyle modifications. The aim is to relieve discomfort, empower you to manage your menopausal symptoms better, and improve your overall quality of life. No matter your age!

Treatment may include an individualised pelvic floor programme, abdominal and core strengthening exercises, and a general exercise programme. Further advice on nutrition, sleep, mental wellbeing, lifestyle modifications and self-management strategies can also be offered.

Call to Book a Women's Health Appointment

0203 903 6848
Our team of osteopath's and physiotherapists are here to support you.

Improve Pelvic Floor Function

Many women experience increased incontinence during the menopausal years. Therefore, it is a good idea to see a pelvic health specialist who will assess your pelvic floor and give you an appropriate exercise programme.

Improve Bowel Function

Keep your bowels healthy. Effectively managing your bowels is one of the best things you can do for your pelvic health. Our therapist will assess your bowel function and diet, specifically your water and fibre intake.

Improve Vaginal Dryness

Many menopausal women suffer from vaginal dryness, which can be incredibly uncomfortable and can cause pain during sex. Our pelvic health specialist will offer advice on ways you can manage these symptoms.

Improve Quality of Life

Our Women's Health expert can support you in improving your overall quality of life, offer advice on weight management, help to enhance the quality of sleep and manage your stress and anxiety levels.

Ali O’Loughlin

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Reduce Distressing Menopausal Symptoms

Some medical topics don't get the attention they should. Often, these discussions are classed as 'too awkward' to have, so they simply don't occur.

Menopause is a primary example of this. Far too many women feel nervous or uncomfortable talking about it. So, they suffer painful and unpleasant symptoms in silence. That's why it's so essential for us to open up the conversation.

Don't just 'put up with it'. With the help of our team, you can reduce distressing menopausal symptoms and feel more supported, calmer and happier in yourself.

Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Improve your pelvic floor function. Many women experience increased incontinence during the menopausal years. Therefore, it is a good idea to see a pelvic health specialist who will assess your pelvic floor and give you an appropriate exercise programme.

Improve Vaginal Dryness

For improved sexual function, use an effective organic lubricant or moisturiser, such as Yes or Sylk. Topical oestrogen can also help. If you continue experiencing pain during sex, see a pelvic health specialist for an assessment.

Exercise & Weight Management

If you haven't been exercising regularly, start gently and build up gradually. Include regular weight-bearing exercises in your routine, as this will promote good bone health. Exercise will also help you to build and maintain muscle strength, flexibility, and good mental health.

Get Some Sleep

Make sure you are getting adequate sleep and managing your stress or anxiety levels. To achieve this, try whatever works best for you, whether exercise, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, or any other uplifting activity. An increase in daily activity promotes a better quality of sleep.

Keep Your Bowels Healthy

Relieve constipation, wind, bloating and sometimes IBS-type symptoms with adequate water and fibre in your diet. Also, use a toilet stool for good bowel ergonomics and ensure you introduce at least 30 minutes of regular exercise per day.

Seek Medical Advice

Our pelvic health specialists offer an individualised pelvic floor programme and personal guidance on exercises and lifestyle modifications. The aim is to empower you to manage your menopausal symptoms better and improve your overall quality of life.

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